Hosts in Peiting

Peiting offers a wide range of holiday apartments and rooms. Take your pick of holiday accommodation at your leisure.

Leisure & sport

There are leisure activities for everyone in Peiting! Look forward to taking a breather on holiday and enjoy a whole host of original experiences.


A calendar of events for Peiting and the region of Pfaffenwinkel is available here.

Host directory for download

Tourist-Information contact

Tourist-Information Peiting
Hauptplatz 4, 86971 Peiting, Germany
Phone: +49 8861 599-61

Opening times

June until September
Mo.-Fr. from 8 to 12 am
Monday to Wednesday and Friday from 14 to 16 pm
Thursday from 14 to 18 pm

October until May
Monday to Friday from 8 to 12 am
Thursday from 14 to 18 pm

Book an accomodation